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Introduction to Meditation

Join this course to learn and experience meditation, relaxation and mindfulness techniques to help you concentrate better, relax deeply, replenish energy levels, balance and understand mind and emotions, counter stress, cultivate inner peace and establish your own regular meditation practice.

About this course

Meditation in the yoga tradition is a systematic and logical approach to understanding, calming and bringing some control to the mind and thoughts leading to realisation of who we truly are.

On this course you learn the meditation, breathing and relaxation techniques of Raja Yoga to calm and control thoughts, emotions and outer sensations. Through regular practice of meditation techniques anyone can become attuned to their innermost self and live an effective, balanced and peaceful life regardless of outer circumstances.

If you can't attend in person, attend from home. Everyone who registers receives access to a private FB group for this course where videos of classes are live-streamed, and the ebook and resources are archived to support your continuing education and home practice.

Course costs $90. Book together with Absolute Beginners Yoga for $160. Includes free ebook, access to a private FB group where course videos, ebook, resources ​are archived.

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What you will learn

This course provides a general introduction to traditional yoga and the meditation practices and techniques of Raja Yoga.

  • introduction to traditional Raja Yoga system
  • overview of yogic concepts of body, mind and soul
  • mindfulness meditation practices
  • raja yoga meditation practices (mantra meditation)
  • yoga breathing methods (pranayama)
  • ​guided deep relaxation (yoga nidra/pratyahara)
  • ​guided healing meditations and methodology 
  • preparation and purifying practices

What you receive

  • A gentle, systematic and safe introduction to the calming practices of meditation, mindfulness and relaxation.​
  • 5 weekly lessons which are of 75 minutes duration each.
  • Easy and accessible yoga practices. 
  • Transcripts of meditations experienced. Detailed notes for home practice and ebook.
  • A complementary ebook with comprehensive background information and resources.
  • If you can't attend in person, attend from home. Everyone who registers receives access to a private FB group for this course where videos of classes are live-streamed, and the ebook and resources are archived to support your continuing education and home practice.

Reasons to meditate

There are many, many benefits to learning and practicing meditation - from simple stress-relief to self-healing. We list a few here:

  • counter stress, cultivate inner peace
  • mental clarity - concentrate and focus better
  • replenish energy levels
  • balance and understand your mind and emotions
  • helps facilitate body's self-healing mechanisms
  • activate parasympathetic nervous system (relaxation response)
  • develop intuition, self-awareness, access deeper wisdom
  • reveal inner gifts and talents; gain clarity about life purpose
  • nurture spiritual qualities such as love, compassion, kindness, creativity
  • realise your true nature and that of the world around you

What to expect

  • Please arrive on time. There is usually a class on prior to meditation which means you may need to wait quietly outside on the verandah for a short while.
  • The class is for 75 minutes and includes an introductory talk, yoga breathing practices, guided meditation and guided relaxation.
  • Some of the class is seated on the floor or we can provide chairs if this is uncomfortable or mobility is an issue. Some of the practices are done lying down on mats on the floor.
  • Kookaburra Creek Yoga Centre is a rural property 2 km from Armadale. The entrance drive and carpark is gravel so please wear sturdy shoes.
  • We request that you reverse park where possible and take up as little space as possible. 
  • There is a top carpark close to the studio which is level with disabled access.
  •  If you arrive late come in quietly and sit at the back.
  • We email take home notes and ebook which includes transcripts of guided meditations and relaxations, questions for journal writing, inspirational excerpts from traditional texts, detailed theoretical background information and diagrams.

What to wear and bring

  • No need to bring a mat or equipment. We provide all the equipment you will need, including yoga mats, blankets, bolsters and cushions. Chairs available if needed.
  • We don't wear shoes in the yoga centre so please leave shoes outside and also please to endeavour to have clean feet. 
  • We'll be moving, stretching, sitting and lying down so wear comfortable clothes you can exercise in.
  • Bring your own non-breakable drinking water bottle.
  • Please don't interrupt other students. If you bring your mobile have it on silent mode.