yoga • meditation • mindfulness • mastery • yogic living

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Haṭha yoga हठयोग the yoga of self-mastery. 

Mastery of body, mind, senses, thought, dream, feeling, health, work, relationships and life. Connect with permanent inner peace, happiness and purpose through the wisdom teachings and methods of yoga.


Hatha Yoga is one of the oldest systems of self-mastery of body, mind, senses, thought, dream, emotion, health, work, relationships and life. It dates back to the 14th century when it was first documented, and even then drew on the earlier traditions of Tantra and Raja Yoga. 

​Hatha Yoga is a complete system of wellbeing which includes asana (movement & poses); pranayama (breathwork); pratyahara (inner awareness); dharana & dhyana (meditative techniques); mudras (seals); bandhas (locks); kriyas (cleansing); nada (sound) and bhava (focussed intention). Within each of these categories are many techniques - which are safe and effective when practiced under the guidance of experienced teachers.

In Hatha Yoga there is a particular emphasis on balancing the innate solar and lunar energies to experience peacefulness and equanimity; purifying the body and mind so we become light and vital; and the focussing of our attention within, beyond the mind, to attain self-realisation. The result is that we connect with the source of permanent inner peace, we come to identify less with the lower mind (worry, fear, anxiety, stress) and connect more with a higher, guiding intelligence.

Modern yoga has its roots in these early traditions. Many of these practices are incorporated into the Hatha Yoga Method empowerment programs and teacher trainings. Founders Mandy BeckerKnox and Robert Becker have decades experience in traditional yoga systems having themselves learnt directly from some great modern masters of yoga. They have also immersed themselves in family, career and the world of relationships - and uniquely bring their own wisdom, lived experience and empathy to everything they create, teach and share.

The Hatha Yoga Method
 reflects the traditional approach and also interweaves modern knowledge and objectives so the yoga experience is relevant, accessible, empowering and of benefit to students and practitioners of every level of ability and interest. You don't have to yet be a great yogi - mastery comes with self-effort over a period of time. Importantly, everything can be adapted to suit the unique needs of each and all - to help support and empower you on your yogic and life journey.


The Hatha Yoga Method is an intelligent synthesis of the traditional yoga systems of Patanjali Yoga (often called Raja Yoga), Hatha, Mantra and Nada Yogas, Tantra, Ayurveda and Vedanta combined with modern methods, positive psychology and design theory. Our programs and trainings are designed to help you gain mastery in every area of your life.

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Founders and Directors
Mandy BeckerKnox & Robert Becker

The Haha Yoga Method is a potent integration of yoga, meditation, mindfulness and yogic living. It is drawn from our combined 60 years yogic study, practice and teaching experience; our close and enduring links with modern yogic masters and mystics; and our lifelong commitment to studying, teaching and sharing the wisdom teachings of traditional and modern yoga. We are so glad you are here, and look forward to supporting you on your own journey of self-mastery.

Mandy & Robert  

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your free peace meditation

When you subscribe you receive instant access to a beautiful 60 minute Shanti Sukham Peace meditation which includes realaxing mantras, pranayama and a yoga nidra relaxation.